Welcome To the SDCANC Home Page!
Next Meeting
February 9, 2025
Check your email or the Members' Area for Zoom login info
Remote meeting
2025 Meetings
- January 13
- February 9
- March 16
(St. Patrick's Day Dance)
- April 13
- May 18
- June 8
- July 13
- August 10
- September 14
(Stars & Stripes Hoedown)
- October 12
- November 9
Dinner meetingLa Strada, San Pablo?
All meetings except March, September and November are planned to be held via Zoom. Dances will be held following the March and September meetings.
Dark in December, normally
are normally held on the second Sunday of each month, but dates are
not formally set until checked for conflicts. This takes place no
later than at the January meeting.
Upcoming Events

St. Patrick's Day Dance
Sunday, March 16
2:00pm to 5:00pm
John Muir School
205 Vista Way, Martinez CA
SSD with Plus Star TipsFinger Foods (no sit-down meal)
Featurings SDCANC Member Callers
NO TICKETS ♦ Pay at the doorAdults $12.00 ♦ Teens $7.00
Info: 707-425-5537 ♦ Flyer (962K PDF)
Association Information
From the by-laws:
The Association is a non-profit organization whose purpose is to foster
and encourage American Square and Round dancing, to exchange calls and
ideas among callers, to provide members with an information service
covering music, equipment and facilities, to publish a Code of Ethics to
which all members shall subscribe, and to support State and National
organizations that dedicate themselves to the orderly promotion of
Square and Round Dancing.
Current membership dues are only $35.00 per year (January thru December), payable by January 1. See the table below for the Treasurer's email address. (Click on the name -- it's a link.) Or, see the Contact page for a postal address.
We subscribe to Lorenz Kuhlee's note service, Notes for European Callers , which is available to members right here in the Members Area. (Note: you must have a username and password to enter the Members Area. When you join the Association, send the username and password you wish to use to the Web Committee via email. If we pick them for you, you might not remember them as well!)
All of our current Association membership has Internet access. A great deal of our business and discussions between meetings are now done electronically, both through this website and through our "SDCANC-Forum" email list for discussing Association business. This has shortened our business meetings considerably.
The Association is also affiliated with CALLERLAB and receives their newsletter Direction. We also purchase some of the CALLERLAB convention session recordings, which are available to our members to check out and return.
Most of our meetings are on the 2nd Sundayof the month. Contact any member or board member (below) to get the meeting location and come as our guest. You will also see the date and location of the next meeting at the top of this page.
For additional information contact the Membership Chairman or any member of the board below. You can also download a copy of our Membership Application in PDF format to complete and bring to a meeting, if you are ready to join. You'll need Adobe Reader (or a compatible program like Foxit Reader) to view and print the application.
[NOTE: Please read the Association Bylaws and Standing Rules before completing the Application.]
50-Year Callers
A few of our members (present and past) who have called for 50+ years:-
The late Joel Kadish
Honored on 2004-07-11
The late Jim Wylie
Honored on 2005-04-10
The late Wayne Janssen
Honored on 2015-07-12
The late Bert Swerer
Honored on 2017-04-30
The late Scot Byars
Awarded 2020-04-07
Bob Elling
Awarded 2022-04-12
Executive Board
2025 EXECUTIVE BOARD MEMBERS | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||